
Friday, October 22, 2010

Sunday, October 22, 1899

         The weather has been so bad I was not able to get home for my monthly day off, so I have been cooped up inside, just like everyone, except for the family, who have footmen to hold umbrellas over them while they step into their private carriages.  The weather does not decide their doings!
         While I am on about my hard life, let me tell you what is expected of us for the yearly salary of ten pounds:
1.   When being spoken to, we must stand still, keep our hands quiet and always look at the person speaking to us.
2.   We must never let our voice be heard by the ladies and gentlemen of the household, unless they have spoken directly to us with a question which requires a response, at which time we speak as little as possible.
3.   In the presence of our mistress, we must never speak to another servant or person of our own rank, or to a child, unless it is a necessity, and then as little and as quietly as possible.
4.   We must never  talk to the ladies and gentlemen of the household unless it is to deliver a message or ask a question, and then in as few words as possible.
5.    Whenever possible, items that have been dropped, such as spectacles or handkerchiefs and other small items, should be returned to their owners on a salver.
6.    Always respond when we have received an order, and always use the proper address: “Sir”, “Ma’am”,“Miss” or “Mrs” as the case may be.
7.    Never offer our opinion to our employer.
8.    Always “Give room”: that is, if we encounter our betters on the stairs or in the house, we are to make yourself as invisible as possible, turning ourselves to the wall and averting our eyes.
9.   Except in reply to a salutation offered,  we must never say “Good morning” or “Good night” to our employer.
10. If we are required to walk with a lady or gentleman in order                      to carry packages, or for some other reason, we must always  keep a few paces back.
11. We are expected to be punctual to our place at mealtimes.
12. We must not receive relatives, friends or visitors into the  house, not must we introduce any person into the Servant’s Hall without the consent of the Butler or Housekeeper.
13.  We must never have followers; if we are found to be fraternizing with a male we can expect to be immediately dismissed.
14. We must expect any breakages or damages to be deducted from our wages.
I hope no one ever finds this diary – I keep it locked and under my mattress except when I have a few hours away from my duties, and the key on a chain around my neck.  Would I be dismissed for keeping it, I wonder?

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