
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sunday, April 1, 1900

         On Thursday Mrs. Burns the housekeeper summoned me to her sitting room.  I went with shaking knees, you can be sure!  She asked me if I knew how to make up a bed and tidy a bedroom properly. 
         “Yes, ma’am, I did all the bedrooms for my last employer,” I answered. 
         “Good.  I am taking you off the stillroom for the next month while our visitors are here,” she told me, “We will need extra help.  I want you to help the upstairs maids.  You can still do the fetching from the stillroom for anyone who wishes you to.  If there is time in the day you can return to the stillroom and help Martha.”
         Tomorrow the family arrives, and I will get to see some more of this grand house.  Maybe working upstairs will keep me so busy I will be able to keep my mind off a certain handsome face!

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